A fresh ball of pizza dough, ready to stretch out, pop your toppings on, and throw into a baking hot oven! This dough ball will make a 10-12″ pizza and can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 days. No need to knead!
Martha says, "I've had success rolling in on a floured worktop, or you can roll it on greaseproof paper so it's easier to move. If it doesn't roll as large as needed straight away, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then try again and it will be much easier! You can flour/oil your hands to stop it sticking too. You can use it straight from the fridge as it's had an overnight prove, but it might be easier to roll out if you leave it to come to room temperature before using (15-30 minutes)."
The pizza dough is kept refrigerated until it gets to you, it’s best refrigerated until you use it.
Ingredients: White wheat flour, water, organic light rye flour, salt, yeast