Brock pours pitch black with a creamy, tan head that lasts throughout the entire drinking experience. The aroma is rich and roasty, with notes of dark chocolate, coffee, and a hint of caramel. On the palate, the beer is velvety smooth, with a medium body and low carbonation. Flavours of dark roasted malts, coffee, and bittersweet chocolate dominate, while a subtle sweetness balances out the bitterness from the hops.
The nitro adds a creaminess to the mouthfeel that accentuates the richness of the flavours, resulting in a delicious and satisfying drinking experience. The finish is long and roasty, leaving behind a lingering bitterness and a hint of chocolate.
Overall, this Nitro Stout is a decadent and flavourful beer that’s perfect for those who appreciate a rich and smooth brew.
ABV 4.1% / 440ml can