Heeley city farm is a community farm in Heeley, Sheffield. They have apiaries making honey in sites across Sheffield, including Wortley Hall Walled Garden, Norfolk Park, Botanical Gardens and Heather Honey from the Peak District. Founded in 1981, HCF began with £20 in the bank, donated saplings and flower seeds, a hut and a goat and masses of help from enthusiastic local people. It now employs over 30 people, many who live near the farm, and as well as being a rare breeds farm, has projects supporting young people, families, older people, people living with dementia and carers, healthy eating, local food growing sites, heritage, archaeology, adults with disabilities and learning difficulties, fuel poverty reduction, energy conservation, environmental conservation and work experience. They also have a vegetarian and vegan community cafe, The Farm Kitchen, a peat free Garden Centre and the South Yorkshire Energy Centre. They have food growing sites at Meersbrook Park Walled Garden, Firth Park Community Allotment, Wortley Hall Walled Garden, Low Edges and Norfolk Park Community Garden as well as a kitchen garden at the main farm site.